Ontario Country Club Wedding - Alexandra & Tim

Can I just say how much I like Alexandra and Tim? From the first time I sat down with them, I loved their genuineness and sincere care for each other. I can feel that they have each other’s best in mind, and on top of that they’re just neat people - Alexandra has been a competitive bodybuilder! Not to mention that she’s actually related to a French President - how cool is that!? I was so happy they wanted me to be part of their wedding day!
Their wedding day threatened a little rain, but I’m so glad they stuck to their outdoor plans. They got ready at their family’s homes, and their ceremony and reception were at the Ontario Country Club.
There were so many meaningful moments during the day, especially involving their families. Alexandra’s first look with her dad was priceless and moving, as was her coming down the aisle and seeing Tim for the first time.

At the reception, Alex’s father shared touching thoughts on what it’s like to be a dad and watch your little girl grow up and start making decisions for herself. I couldn’t help but think of my own son, and hope he will make similarly good decisions. It was awesome to hear the respect and admiration Alex’s father has for Tim, and how proud of both of them he is.

Alex and Tim, I’m so glad to got to capture these memories for you, and I thrilled you’ll get to enjoy these moments for the rest of your life together!